Indoor Gardening Heaven

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Tropical indoor plants - Bromeliad

Bromeliads, or “urn plants,”are members of the pineapple family and are native to the tropical rainforests of Central America, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Bromeliads form a stemless rosette and in nature it is an epiphyte growing on trees. Rainwater collects in the central cup formed by the plant’s upper leaves and in the cupped leaf bases.

The colorful "blossom"(inflorescence) will provide beauty for up to 12 weeks, after which the color slowly fades. The entire plant will then decline over a period of several months but new plantlets (or "offsets") will develop around the base of the plant.

When these offsets are one-third to one-half the height of the mother plant, they may be cut off at the base and potted into separate pots. Use a free-draining, houseplant potting mix. The plantlets may also be left to develop in the original pot and will eventually outgrow and replace the mother plant.

Bromeliads require bright light with no direct sunlight to look their best. They will tolerate lower light, but the life of the blossom will be shortened. Temperatures between 55 and 85 degrees F are best. They can never tolerate temperatures below 40 degrees F.

To water, fill the central cup and the cupped leaf bases, allowing the water to flow down and thoroughly moisten the soil. Allow the soil to become semi-dry between waterings. Once a month, empty the water out of the center cup by tipping the plant until all the water drains out. This will prevent the water from becoming stagnant. Refill the cups with fresh water.

Diluted applications of fertilizer are recommended for mature plants. It will also help new offsets to grow more quickly after flowering is finished. Use a flowering-houseplant fertilizer at one-quarter to one-third the recommended strength. Apply by pouring it into the central cup and allowing some to spill into the soil. Fertilize no more than once a month, during the spring and summer only.

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